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  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2010

  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2010

  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2010

  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2010

  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2009

  • "Ethnocentric" upbringings with little to no exposure to how business is done outside their own cultures.

    BNET Articles 2009

  • Ethnocentric conservatism,” as referenced by study author Putnam in the Globe article, is absent from the active US political scene.

    Racism. You Know, for Kids. 2009

  • Criminal employers and Ethnocentric Advocates are the Key Offenders in defending breaking the Immigration Laws of the USA.

    Immigration Tops Latinos’ Wish List at D.C. Meeting - The Caucus Blog - 2009

  • Ethnocentric framing is an outdated attempt at racism.

    Matthew Yglesias » The Spending Tug 2010

  • Ethnocentric in their own ways, they were cheerfully content with themselves.

    The Chosen Peoples Todd Gitlin 2010


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