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  • Euclide is showing his "Capture" series at Denver's David B. Smith Gallery until November 14.

    Boing Boing 2009

  • Painter/sculptor Gregory Euclide starts his gorgeous diroamas by pouring blue resin onto the forest floor in Colorado.

    Boing Boing 2009

  • Euclide and Floyd attended as representatives of the university, expressing its desire to meet the downtown redevelopment literally half way. Darren D’Altorio 2010

  • Euclide allows creation of geometric shapes (lines, points, circles, conics ...) and transforms (rotation, symmetry), which depend each other.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • Euclide allows creation of geometric shapes (lines, points, circles, conics ...) and transforms (rotation, symmetry), which depend each other.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • Euclide allows creation of geometric shapes (lines, points, circles, conics ...) and transforms (rotation, symmetry), which depend each other.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • Euclide allows creation of geometric shapes (lines, points, circles, conics ...) and transforms (rotation, symmetry), which depend each other.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • Now, that Probleme, which I noted vnto you, in the end of my Addition, vpon the 34. of the 11. boke of _Euclide_, is proued possible.

    The Mathematicall Praeface to Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara John Dee 1567

  • Radical side of your Fundamẽtall Cube, be to a fourth proportionall line, by the 12. proposition, of the sixth boke of _Euclide_.

    The Mathematicall Praeface to Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara John Dee 1567

  • Amongest which, none for a beginner is to be preferred before the most auncient Philosopher _Euclide_ of _Megara_.

    The Mathematicall Praeface to Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara John Dee 1567


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