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  • Anyone interested in overthrowing democracy, Mencius Moldbug notes, desperately needs to read the great memoir of Ernst von Salomon, Der Fragebogen, published in English as The Answers but better translated as The Questionnaire.

    Hitler’s Democracy « Isegoria 2008

  • I found you from a posting you left on my The Fragebogen.

    Stolen Art Compensated Hels 2009

  • I know from work and class that the German word for questionnaire is Fragebogen.

    Der Zahnarzt C N Heidelberg 2008

  • So, Fragebogen, directly into English, is kind of like Questionbow.

    Der Zahnarzt C N Heidelberg 2008

  • So, Fragebogen, directly into English, is kind of like Questionbow.

    Archive 2008-03-01 C N Heidelberg 2008

  • I know from work and class that the German word for questionnaire is Fragebogen.

    Archive 2008-03-01 C N Heidelberg 2008

  • (The main tool was a Fragebogen, or questionnaire, about each person's past activities, which groups of anti-Nazi Germans and Allied investigators reviewed and based decisions on.)

    Blind Into Baghdad 2004

  • (The main tool was a Fragebogen, or questionnaire, about each person's past activities, which groups of anti-Nazi Germans and Allied investigators reviewed and based decisions on.)

    Blind Into Baghdad 2004

  • “Wie brauchbar sind die vorliegenden Fragebogen zur Messung von Empathie?

    Empathy Stueber, Karsten 2008


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