
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The hatred or fear of France, its people and culture.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Franco- + -phobia


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  • On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous.

    Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman 2009

  • /U.K. is the fact that certain words and expressions in English with a hint of Francophobia, as well as some French words and sayings of an Anglophobic nature, have largely fallen into disuse The expression Pardon my French was once a popular way of saying “excuse my bad language.”

    Pardon my French Rene Meertens 2010

  • It's not just Francophobia, it's a new kind of "global leadership": where the world doesn't really matter.

    McCain Camp's Comparison Of Obama To Britney: Defining Him As Puffed-Up Dandy 2009

  • After using this sleazy Francophobia against John Kerry, you have to admire the conservative commitment to recycling.

    Top 10 Scariest Liars about Obama 2008

  • Fuelled by a potent mix of philistinism and Francophobia, they operate on the basis that modern French thought is a load of pretentious gibberish, while occasionally plucking out quotes from the more facetious French philosophers, taking them literally, and holding them up as examples of how silly the French are.

    enowning enowning 2008

  • Fuelled by a potent mix of philistinism and Francophobia, they operate on the basis that modern French thought is a load of pretentious gibberish, while occasionally plucking out quotes from the more facetious French philosophers, taking them literally, and holding them up as examples of how silly the French are.

    Archive 2008-01-01 enowning 2008

  • When the French declined to join “the coalition of the willing” and take part in the U.S. war in Iraq, there followed a virulent bout of Francophobia.

    An Immovable Feast Douglas McGrath 2008

  • A friend recently pointed out that his confusing French policy with a scifi retelling of Mormon mythology could somehow stem from the weird Francophobia evinced in his "leaked" strategy playbook, wherein his advisers appeared to lay out "anti-France" as a kind of global campaign theme:

    Romney, Self-Hating Mormon? - Swampland - 2007

  • A lot of books, a lot of objects and knickknacks, some of them brought back from the south of France, where this hawk famous for his Francophobia, this man who declared at the height of the tension between Presidents Bush and Chirac that France had "aligned itself with Saddam" and is "no longer the ally it once was," actually has a second home.

    In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV) Bernard-Henri L 2005

  • He is interested to hear that this whole story of Francophobia is just bullshit made up by the Washington press corps, and that in all the months I've been traveling through the heartland of America, I've never met any ordinary citizens who are angry with me for being French.

    In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part Three) Bernard-Henri L 2005


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