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  • Für “fromme Zionstöchter” und “gebildete Frauenzimmer.”

    Tkhines. 2009

  • They came down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, _Frauenzimmer_: and down the shelving shore flabbily, their splayed feet sinking in the silted sand.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • On nags hogs bellhorses Gadarene swine Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • Frauenzimmer I have remained ever since; and that is why for years I would have no dealings with the cousins in possession, and that is why, the other day, overcome by the tender influence of the weather, the purely sentimental longing to join hands again with my childhood was enough to send all my pride to the winds, and to start me off without warning and without invitation on my pilgrimage.

    Elizabeth and Her German Garden Elizabeth von Arnim 1903

  • Frauenzimmer! "cried my father, on my arrival into the world -- he had three of them already, and I was his last hope, -- and a dummes

    Elizabeth and Her German Garden Elizabeth von Arnim 1903

  • _ What for a _Frauenzimmer_ haff we here! "retorted

    The Dark Star William Dodge Stevens 1899

  • "Dot Frauenzimmer she iss to raise hell alretty determined.

    Police!!! Henry Hutt 1899


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