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  • The Glockenspiel is a life-size replica of a cuckoo clock with five men who perform for audiences while accompanied by a button box player. 2010

  • Rob Fitzpatrick Dog Is Dead Glockenspiel Song Their name is terrible, but this upcoming Nottingham quintet have quite the knack for making bright, breezy and infectious indie pop.

    The F&M playlist 2011

  • Maybe they can add a female backup vocalist and have her run over to a Glockenspiel during concerts to play the dingie part!

    Liveblogging the New Radiohead Album, “In Rainbows” | Best Week Ever 2007

  • The dancing to Glockenspiel during Act I Scene 17 was most entertaining.

    The Magic Flute sfmike 2007

  • The apres' meeting meeting at the Glockenspiel is even more so.

    Thinking about the Fat Man. Terry Nelson 2006

  • Every once in a while I'll find myself near a Marimba or Vibraphone or Ballaphone or even Glockenspiel and I've still got it baby.

    Was I the only one... Angry Professor 2005

  • Overall, it was really good, ranging from Merzbow-esque noise (Isaac T of dyssembler nights fame) to exquisite alpha-state-inducing underwater valleys mapped by sonar pulses (Dave Jordan as Glockenspiel, with delayed, looped and processed vibraphone).

    Nightlight at the Skylight badger 2003

  • I also told Ward that they needed a Glockenspiel, just because I like saying that word.

    anne-jumps Diary Entry anne-jumps 2001

  • Tympani, Gongs, Chimes, Glockenspiel, etc. On each of the keyboards any of the stops, from the "foundation" group, the "woodwind" group, the "string" group, the "brass" group and the

    The Recent Revolution in Organ Building Being an Account of Modern Developments George Laing Miller

  • Some few, of musical turn, have a whole chime of bells (_Glockenspiel_) fastened there; which, especially in sudden whirls, and the other accidents of walking, has a grateful effect.

    Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History Thomas Carlyle 1838


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