
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945), German politician associated with Nazi atrocities under Adolf Hitler.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Goebbels +‎ -ian


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  • He probably thinks that he is where he is because he's some kind of Goebbelsian wizard, but people far more powerful than he have placed him there precisely because he appeals to an audience that brings exactly zero intellectual rigour to the table.

    MetaFilter 2010

  • He probably thinks that he is where he is because he's some kind of Goebbelsian wizard, but people far more powerful than he have placed him there precisely because he appeals to an audience that brings exactly zero intellectual rigour to the table.

    MetaFilter 2010

  • Over the last few days they have run a co-ordinated campaign of smears and innuendoes almost Goebbelsian in its mendacity against Carwyn Jones.

    Plaid's agenda exposed 2009

  • Over the last few days they have run a co-ordinated campaign of smears and innuendoes almost Goebbelsian in its mendacity against Carwyn Jones.

    Archive 2009-09-01 2009

  • Why on earth do you perpetuate the Goebbelsian lie that they are "liberal classes"?

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2008

  • I do not mean to curb the opinion but the same opinion cannot be trumpeted 80 times; then it becomes Goebbelsian propaganda.

    OpEdNews - Diary: Late Night Music: Eva Cassidy; Tall Trees in Georgia 2007

  • What this incident has also done is to expose the bankruptcy of the CPIM allied intellectuals who propagate the falsehoods emanating from their party in a Goebbelsian manner, hoping that a lie repeated a hundred times will become the truth.

    CPI(M) lies about Tapasi Malik’s death - apologist Vijay Prasad disseminates untruths Abhay N 2007

  • And at least part of the reason for that is because we have been buying into the Goebbelsian lies of the state: that these tribal movements are all controlled and managed by Naxals/Maoists; or that the tribals are actually being coerced by Maoists; or that there are no tribals, only Maoists. 2010

  • Otherwise, in true Goebbelsian fashion, it will simply be blindly repeating the lies, over and over again, till the lies become the truth. 2010

  • And at least part of the reason for that is because we have been buying into the Goebbelsian lies of the state: that these tribal movements are all controlled and managed by Naxals/Maoists; or that the tribals are actually being coerced by Maoists; or that there are no tribals, only Maoists.

    World Prout Assembly Editor 2010


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