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  • The Leonards grew up 30 miles from the Canadian border in Gouverneur, N.Y., yearning to be on the same field.

    RB Leonard carries one chance at two dreams 2007

  • Frederick Philipse Gouverneur, dropped the name Gouverneur as a surname and assumed that of Philipse in order to inherit a large landed estate of which The Grange was a conspicuous part.

    As I Remember Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century Marian Gouverneur

  • As for Gouverneur, these two large mid-1980s canvases are groovy color studies but not much more.

    Familiar favorites: Once more, with feeling Jessica Dawson 2011

  • To date the publisher has brought out five compact biographies of "forgotten Founders," introducing readers to Maryland's redoubtable Catholic founder, Charles Carroll, and irascible states-rights advocate Luther Martin, New York's Gouverneur Morris, and great Revolutionary War general Nathanael Greene.

    Uniting the Nation Gerald J. Russello 2011

  • Setting out guidelines for the coolers in a 1789 letter to Gouverneur Morris, an American statesman who helped procure the items, Washington wrote that "extravagance would not comport with my own inclination, nor with the example which ought to be set."

    Washington Chilled Here: A Wine Cooler's Tale Ellen Gamerman 2011

  • Gouverneur Morris, the author of the Constitution's "We the People" preamble and a lifelong ladies man, wrote in his diary of Dolley Madison's low cut-dresses and pondered whether Mrs. Madison might be "amenable to seduction."

    In Brief: American History 2011

  • The addition of new beds is welcome news for residents in the Lower East Side and Chinatown, areas where there has been a dearth of nursing-care access for years, said William Bateman , director of medical and professional affairs for Gouverneur.

    A Downtown Nursing Home Is Expanding Joseph De Avila 2011

  • Gouverneur Healthcare Services in the Lower East Side will open a new ambulatory-care pavilion and additional nursing-home space on Monday as part of a $200 million renovation.

    A Downtown Nursing Home Is Expanding Joseph De Avila 2011

  • Gouverneur will add 85 nursing-home beds to its current count of 210.

    A Downtown Nursing Home Is Expanding Joseph De Avila 2011

  • A less well-known, but no less astute American arrival, on the eve of the French Revolution, was young New Yorker Gouverneur Morris.

    Why They All Came to Versailles Frederic Raphael 2011


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