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  • The Russian government today announced that the Government Commission on export control, chaired by Minister of the Economy Yakov Urinson, is conducting special investigations on nine entities, including the INOR scientific center, the Grafit and Polyus research institutes, the Tikhomirov institute, Glavkosmos, the Komintern plant in Novosibirsk, the MOSO company, Baltic State Technical University and Europalace 2000.

    Statement By The Press Secretary ITY National Archives 1998

  • I can give them to you, there are nine entities, including the INOR scientific center, the Grafit and Polyus research institutes, the Tikhomirov institute, Glavkosmos, the Komintern plant in Novosibirsk, and the MOSO company, the Baltic State Technical University and Europalace 2000.

    Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry ITY National Archives 1998


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