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  • The patented system was customized with integrated art works by Montreal artist Pascal Grandmaison and Toronto-based artist Robert Fones.

    Torys LLP Office Interior by KPMB Architects 2008

  • Grandmaison explains that the sequence of images articulate “through metaphor the path (from broad to specific) of the decision-making process; how our inner powers of concentration can become an idea that can be communicated to others.”

    Torys LLP Office Interior by KPMB Architects 2008

  • They had stayed for a week at Grandmaison with Rannulf and Judith and were able to bring Wulfric direct news of them.

    Slightly Dangerous Balogh, Mary 2004

  • What should be noted in conjunction with these three opinions is that Grandmaison was himself suspect, that a special papal document from Pius XII was nec - essary to remove all taint of heterodoxy from Blondel's name as late as 1944, and that Rivière was regarded as a crypto-modernist and officially limited in his teaching.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas JOHN RATT 1968

  • But he thought to have despatched me, for he hired one Grandmaison, a ruffian, to assassinate me, who apprised me of his design.

    Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete Various

  • “So you lost Madame Grandmaison on the way here?” he asked.

    Death of a Harbormaster Simenon, Georges 1942

  • Madame Grandmaison was sitting at a table, writing; Martineau beside her.

    Death of a Harbormaster Simenon, Georges 1942

  • Several minutes passed before Madame Grandmaison came to.

    Death of a Harbormaster Simenon, Georges 1942

  • Obviously Madame Grandmaison had not alighted merely to feast her eyes on the landscape.

    Death of a Harbormaster Simenon, Georges 1942

  • He hoped to be the first to find Madame Grandmaison, and have the opportunity for a private talk with her.

    Death of a Harbormaster Simenon, Georges 1942


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