
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • A city of west-central Germany northeast of Cologne. Chartered in 1746, it became known for its textiles in the late 1700s.
  • Walter Charles,American golfer who won the US Open twice (1914 and 1919) and during the 1920s won the British Open four times and the PGA tournament five times.


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  • When Kay Hagen is willing to give up her taxpayer funded health insurance to find and buy her own, I'll consider her side of this argument.

    MoveOn ad campaign targets Hagan over 'public option' 2009

  • Philo Hagen is the Editor of Hooping. org and when he mentioned to me recently that the Hooper of the Week interviews were starting back up again, I told him it was time to turn the spotlight on him for a change. | Blog | Philo Hagen: Inside The Hoop 2009

  • Edvald Boasson Hagen (NOR) Boasson Hagen is not an out-and-out sprinter but Team Sky’s deadliest weapon in one-day races has an acceleration that is hard to match, and can put it to good use going uphill as well.

    Favorites for Sunday’s world road race championships 2010

  • But the Germans had a defensive position, somewhat misleadingly called the Hagen line, along the west bank of the Dnieper River.

    Deathride John Mosier 2010

  • But the Germans had a defensive position, somewhat misleadingly called the Hagen line, along the west bank of the Dnieper River.

    Deathride John Mosier 2010

  • He recalled Hagen telling him once, but he didn't remember who it had been.

    Ordermaster Modesitt, L. E. 2005

  • There is one nut that I have been drawing attention to in the past few years, called Hagen, that I have frequently said was the best nut growing in Iowa.

    Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930

  • Campbell called Hagen a friend and described him as a supportive, gracious and generous man.

    Winnipeg Sun 2009

  • The Hagen was a free-and-easy place compared with the Rheinischer, and among its inmates there was no one who could sing a better song than manly George -- type of the Briton at whom foreigners stare -- who, ignorant of a word of their language, wholly unprovided with any authorisation save the passport signed "Salisbury," and having not quite so much business at the seat of war as he might have at the bottom of a coal-mine, gravitates into danger with inevitable certainty, and stumbles through all manner of difficulties and bothers by reason of a serene good-humour that nothing can ruffle and a cool resolution before which every obstacle fades away.

    Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places Archibald Forbes 1869

  • If Estloch had been killed before that, there would have been a regency, and doubtless wiser heads, such as Hagen and Lady Renyra, would have been on the regency council.

    Wellspring of Chaos Modesitt, L. E. 2004


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