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  • The Opening Ceremonies were tasteful, and nearly flawless, yet marred by NBC insensitivity, ranging from the left coast tape delay to boneheaded editing? or control room decisions? or …? during k.d. lang's moving rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Halleluja".

    Multichannel News: Business News 2010

  • "Halleluja" in Resident Evil or "Du hast" in the cult movie The Matrix the Wachowski brothers,

    All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com 2010

  • The Opening Ceremonies were tasteful, and nearly flawless, yet marred by NBC insensitivity, ranging from the left coast tape delay to boneheaded editing? or control room decisions? or …? during k.d. lang's moving rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Halleluja".

    Multichannel News: Business News 2010

  • The press officer for the Halleluja World Tour curated by Vladmir Restoin Roitfeld, tells us at that Retna is not used to giving extended on-camera interviews and warns that it might be difficult to engage him in a lengthy conversation -- though we find ourselves talking for over an hour. Retna: Visual Rhythms 2011

  • The press officer for the Halleluja World Tour curated by Vladmir Restoin Roitfeld, tells us at that Retna is not used to giving extended on-camera interviews and warns that it might be difficult to engage him in a lengthy conversation -- though we find ourselves talking for over an hour. Retna: Visual Rhythms 2011

  • They've got actual people to sing sodding Halleluja while the montage plays.

    Emmy awards 2011: live blog 2011

  • The press officer for the Halleluja World Tour curated by Vladmir Restoin Roitfeld, tells us at that Retna is not used to giving extended on-camera interviews and warns that it might be difficult to engage him in a lengthy conversation -- though we find ourselves talking for over an hour. Retna: Visual Rhythms 2011

  • They've got actual people to sing sodding Halleluja while the montage plays.

    Emmy awards 2011: as they happened 2011

  • And only then, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul, Halleluja" Psalms 104:35.

    Avraham Burg: Racists Are Over You, O Israel! Avraham Burg 2010

  • And only then, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul, Halleluja" Psalms 104:35.

    Avraham Burg: Racists Are Over You, O Israel! Avraham Burg 2010


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