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  • Worse, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, Poul Hartling, was the chief sponsor of that argument.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Worse, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, Poul Hartling, was the chief sponsor of that argument.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Worse, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, Poul Hartling, was the chief sponsor of that argument.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Considering that airliners typically fly between 450 and 500 miles per hour, and because their flight paths are converging, Hartling chooses to err on the side of caution and move United 175 away from American 11.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Hartling stares incredulously at the blip on his screen.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Hartling stares incredulously at the blip on his screen.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Considering that airliners typically fly between 450 and 500 miles per hour, and because their flight paths are converging, Hartling chooses to err on the side of caution and move United 175 away from American 11.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Hartling tries to give him a better description in hopes that the crew can spot the aircraft.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Hartling tries to give him a better description in hopes that the crew can spot the aircraft.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008

  • Hartling then continues to track American 11 as it approaches New York.

    Touching History Lynn Spencer 2008


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