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  • Something called the Hering illusion, for instance, looks like bike spokes around a central point, with vertical lines on either side of this central, so-called vanishing point.

    I know what you did a tenth of a second from now | clusterflock 2008

  • Charles F. Herring Jr., who lives in Austin, said his father legally changed the spelling of his name in 1963 from "Hering" to "Herring" and suggested there may be more than one set of military records.

    Military Top Stories Center 2010

  • Blair meanwhile looks to Major Hering for his inspiration.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Even before Major Hering came along, Congress passed in 1947 the Presidential Succession Act.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Major Hering was eloquent in defense of his question.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • He was referring, he told me, to Major Hering and his still unanswered question about how a missileer in his capsule beneath the prairie can know a launch order is legitimate or at least comes from a nominally sane person.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • In late 1973 a Minuteman missile crewman in training, Major Harold I. Hering, asked a Forbidden Question.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Major Hering just wanted to believe the Army way was the right way.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Instead, it was almost taboo—as Major Hering found out—to talk about reasons for not committing retaliatory genocide, such as questioning the sanity of whoever gave the order.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Should Ellsberg have seized the opportunity to give the world a Major Hering moment when he was in the Pentagon?

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011


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