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  • The bank emphasizes borrowers such as Qu Xisheng , who runs a lakeside paddle boat concession in Beijing's popular Houhai restaurant and bar area.

    Minsheng Banks on Small Borrowers William Kazer 2012

  • In Houhai, Minsheng has teamed up with a local merchants' association, which does much of the legwork in finding customers, recommending its members to the bank.

    Minsheng Banks on Small Borrowers William Kazer 2012

  • It may end up like Sloping Tobacco Street in nearby Houhai, a completely commercialized area that has no authenticity but instead shops selling the same things over and over again.

    Alice Xin Liu: Most Commercial Street in Beijing Turn off Visitors and Renters 2010

  • It may end up like Sloping Tobacco Street in nearby Houhai, a completely commercialized area that has no authenticity but instead shops selling the same things over and over again.

    Alice Xin Liu: Most Commercial Street in Beijing Turn off Visitors and Renters 2010

  • Houhai is a Beijing phenomenon, a quiet area of shoreline devoured in less than a decade by a nightlife land rush.

    At Beijing's Sex and da City, the Debauchery is Low-Key 2008

  • It was a warm Saturday night on Houhai, the lakeside bar strip, and Ms. Shen, 40, had stepped outside the club she co-owns.

    At Beijing's Sex and da City, the Debauchery is Low-Key 2008

  • Panjiayuan, central Beijing's open-air market, where you can pick your way through handmade furniture, bike ride and history lecture through the city's vanishing hutongs, or alleyways, and around lively Houhai Lake.

    NYT > Global Home 2011

  • The weekend brunches - which currently come with a complimentary Bloody Mary or Mimosa per person (my companions weren't drinking on Saturday, so I got moderately wrecked on their freebies) - could well become a regular indulgence: comparable to The Vineyard, but without (as yet) the crazy crowds; and only a couple of minutes 'walk from Houhai.

    Chinalyst - China blogs in English Froog 2010

  • The weekend brunches - which currently come with a complimentary Bloody Mary or Mimosa per person (my companions weren't drinking on Saturday, so I got moderately wrecked on their freebies) - could well become a regular indulgence: comparable to The Vineyard, but without (as yet) the crazy crowds; and only a couple of minutes 'walk from Houhai.

    Chinalyst - China blogs in English Froog 2010

  • Then they can widen that damn pesky Gulou Dongdajie so that officials can get to their renovated courtyards on the west side a lot quicker, not to mention create a north-south flyover so that automobiles can go directly off the second ring to the banks of scenic Houhai in mere minutes.

    Chinalyst - China blogs in English thebeijinger 2010


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