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  • Inside a rehearsal space at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center this week, a group of musicians including former múm vocalist Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir, an Icelandic string trio Gyda Valtýsdóttir, Borgar Magnason and Maria Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir and the Seattle-based Aono Jikken Ensemble were running through their cues and a new score by composer Matthew Patton.

    Worldwide Hospitalities Steve Dollar 2011

  • Huld would go on to have a long career as a stage and screen actor, appearing in dozens of Danish films.

    Danish actor who inspired 'TINTIN' dies at 98 Michael Cavna 2010

  • In 1928, Huld won a contest by the Danish newspaper Politiken that sent the 15-year-old reporter abroad -- including Siberia, Japan and North America.

    Danish actor who inspired 'TINTIN' dies at 98 Michael Cavna 2010

  • Huld would go on to have a long career as a stage and screen actor, appearing in dozens of Danish films.

    Danish actor who inspired 'TINTIN' dies at 98 Michael Cavna 2010

  • Huld died Nov. 26 in a retirement home in Copenhagen.

    Actor Who Was Model For Tintin Dies At 98 AP 2010

  • In 1928, Huld won a contest by the Danish newspaper Politiken that sent the 15-year-old reporter abroad -- including Siberia, Japan and North America.

    Danish actor who inspired 'TINTIN' dies at 98 Michael Cavna 2010

  • Huld was a stage actor with Denmark's Royal Theater, and he appeared in 40 Danish films between 1933 and 2000.

    Actor Who Was Model For Tintin Dies At 98 AP 2010

  • Before concluding the conversation, however, he made sure that the disused sawmill Hedda Huld Hansen was referring to was the one on Tæring Markvej on the outskirts of the town.


  • Before concluding the conversation, however, he made sure that the disused sawmill Hedda Huld Hansen was referring to was the one on Tæring Markvej on the outskirts of the town.


  • Before concluding the conversation, however, he made sure that the disused sawmill Hedda Huld Hansen was referring to was the one on Tæring Markvej on the outskirts of the town.



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