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  • "In our country, if you live long enough, you're almost guaranteed to get hypertension, so this is something we should all be concerned about," added report co-author Dr. Corinne Husten of the nonprofit Partnership for Prevention.

    Report: High blood pressure neglected in U.S. 2010

  • Dr. Husten, I agree that this situation is an ethical problem.

    unknown title 2011

  • Dr. Husten, I agree that this situation is an ethical problem. News Larry Husten 2011

  • Husten had been a suspect right from the time Haugen died, but evidence had been lacking until his confession last year to investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 2012

  • Dr. Husten, I agree that this situation is an ethical problem.

    unknown title 2011

  • Michael J. Husten, 61, in Stillwater prison for an unrelated robbery, admitted that he killed Roger Haugen by hitting him in the head with a stereo receiver on Feb. 8, 1975, according to second-degree charges filed Monday in Hennepin County District Court. 2012

  • "Self-reported smoking behavior gathered through population surveys is generally accurate because it is anonymous," Husten said.

    Health News from Medical News Today 2008

  • Husten, who is vice president for policy development at the Partnership for Prevention, had no affiliation with the study.

    Health News from Medical News Today 2008

  • However, Husten says the most salient implication of the study is that so many providers aren't doing anything to help pregnant women quit smoking.

    Health News from Medical News Today 2008

  • Markus Becker - Hoerst Du Die Regenwuermer [04: 21] │ Husten 2009


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