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  • The next afternoon we started for a walk up the Unteraar glacier, with the intention of, at all events, getting as far as the Hutte which is used as a sleeping-place by most of those who cross the Strahleck Pass to Grindelwald.

    A Tramp Abroad 1879

  • ZIRKEL: Bergmannische Mittheilungen uber Cornwall, in: Ztsch. f.d. Berg -, Hutte - und Salinenwesen, Vol. 9, 1861.

    Chapter 30 1993

  • Hutte, des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, 27. edition, W. Ernst &

    Chapter 30 1993

  • An official would say sharply: "Nehmen Sie ihre Hutte ab" (Take off your hat).

    In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams 1922

  • An elevation of three hundred feet and more above the general level, like Kemmel mountain, or even of some two hundred feet, like that of La Hutte (Hill 63), over against Messines, is a great asset.

    War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps John George 1918

  • Hutte, butt no strainge Indians, for wee went a course more to the southward to fetch a Circute cleare of the Duryan Indians, who have a continuall Peace with the Spaniard.

    Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents 1898

  • I phoned everyone from the Berlin Documents Centre to Onkel Toms Hutte U-bahn Station.

    Funeral In Berlin Deighton, Len, 1929- 1964

  • When Helvetia’s general store and post office floundered, she opened The Hutte Restaurant to safeguard the building.

    One Big Table Molly O’Neill 2010


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