
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • abbreviation Independent Olympic Participants


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  • IOP is honored to have had this year†™ s winners publish work in several of our journals.

    IOP: Nobel Prize Winners’ Research Freely Available « ResourceShelf 2007

  • Scientists cleared of malpractice in UEA's hacked emails inquiry IOP, which isn't quite the headline I chose, but ince again you'll have to forgive a little poetic licence on my part.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science 2010

  • References to "IOP" mean the Institute of Physics and / or IOP Publishing as appropriate. all content 2009

  • References to "IOP" mean the Institute of Physics and / or IOP Publishing as appropriate. all content 2009

  • And now, in our latest Harvard IOP survey released today in Washington, DC with student chair Eric Lu (Harvard '12) and Lillian Nottingham (Harvard' 13), more than 70 percent of young voters tell us they are not sure that they will vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

    John Della Volpe: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Non-Youth Vote? John Della Volpe 2010

  • And now, in our latest Harvard IOP survey released today in Washington, DC with student chair Eric Lu (Harvard '12) and Lillian Nottingham (Harvard' 13), more than 70 percent of young voters tell us they are not sure that they will vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

    John Della Volpe: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Non-Youth Vote? John Della Volpe 2010

  • My other eye still has higher than normal IOP, but there has been no damage to the visual field and only mild in the “surgery eye.”

    Eyeball to eyeball (with tooth-sucking….) « Write Anything 2010

  • And now, in our latest Harvard IOP survey released today in Washington, DC with student chair Eric Lu (Harvard '12) and Lillian Nottingham (Harvard' 13), more than 70 percent of young voters tell us they are not sure that they will vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

    John Della Volpe: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Non-Youth Vote? John Della Volpe 2010

  • And now, in our latest Harvard IOP survey released today in Washington, DC with student chair Eric Lu (Harvard '12) and Lillian Nottingham (Harvard' 13), more than 70 percent of young voters tell us they are not sure that they will vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

    John Della Volpe: Will 2010 Be the Year of the Non-Youth Vote? John Della Volpe 2010

  • Harvard's Institute of Politics (IOP), which regularly polls young people on political issues, found last fall that just 24 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds said that they were "politically engaged or politically active," a 19-point drop from a year earlier.

    Prognosis Negative 2010


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