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  • Intension can be linguistic intension or meaning, in which case it is the conjunction of terms each of which is applicable to any possible thing to which the term is applicable and thus substitutable for the term salva veritate, but since definitions must have criteria of application and these must ultimately be non-circular, the more basic dimension of intension is sense meaning.

    Clarence Irving Lewis Hunter, Bruce 2007

  • Intension and remission of qualities can be treated as analogous to addition and subtraction of approximate quantities, but there's no reason to think the latter completely captures the former; and, indeed, there's plenty of reason to deny it.

    Atheism and Nihilism 2005

  • Intension and remission of qualities can be treated as analogous to addition and subtraction of approximate quantities, but there's no reason to think the latter completely captures the former; and, indeed, there's plenty of reason to deny it.

    Archive 2005-02-01 2005

  • It was sayd of olde, that zeale was an _Intension of love_: of late, that it is a compound of _love and anger, or indignation_.

    A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich Samuel Ward

  • The Intension of a term is the number of attributes which it implies.

    Deductive Logic St. George William Joseph Stock

  • Intension = depth = comprehension = implication = connotation.

    Deductive Logic St. George William Joseph Stock

  • 'Extension' in the sense of Denotation, and 'Intension' or

    Logic Deductive and Inductive Carveth Read 1889

  • And that is the heigth, or Intension of the _Forme resulting: _ which is,

    The Mathematicall Praeface to Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara John Dee 1567

  • Intension and Integrity and show vividly how wrong, biased and REGIMENTED you are.

    Kafila 2009

  • What follows in this post is the unaltered UML model I created for the internal group, interpreted in the context of the Intension/Locality Thesis.

    MSDN Blogs 2009


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