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  • Servicio de Seguridad Interna (SSI) seguridad nacional son relativamente pequeños; Defensa es una burrada de dinero gigantesca, enorme.

    Matthew Yglesias » New CBO Analysis of Defense Spending 2010

  • ETD2005: evolution through discovery - 8th Interna...

    March 2005 2005

  • The students sang "The Interna-tionale," which is the anthem of world communism, the Soviet Union, the Communist Party, and many things they did not support.

    1968 the Year that Rocked the World Kurlansky, Mark 2004

  • This initiative is a joint effort of the Department of Minerals and Energy and the Interna - tional Institute for Energy Conservation to promote more energy - efficient and environmentally-friendly buildings.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1997

  • Interna - tional Airport in the New York metropolitan area and

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • HKTDC is also orga - nising a delegation to participate at the South African Interna - tional Trade Exhibition (SAITEX) in Johannesburg from 22 to 26

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Interna - tional - will continue to offer its range of inspection services and is expected to expand on them to conform with the group's worldwide operations.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1992

  • In an address at the Interna - tional Congress of Arts and Sciences at St. Louis in

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas MERLE CURTI 1968

  • “The deep desire of men to free themselves from the fear of want,” a desire identified in the deliberations of the Interna - tional Labour Organisation Conference at Philadelphia in 1944, was a foundation of policy, but welfare policy would be expected to fulfill further aspirations also.


  • Kruszewski, “Prinzipien der Sprachentwicklung,” Interna - tionale Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 1 (1884), 295-307;

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas RULON WELLS 1968


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