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  • Inuyasha and Kouga, or sometimes more incestuously, Inuyasha and his brother Sesshomaru in InuYasha.

    queering fiction « Love | Peace | Ohana 2007

  • Inuyasha and Kouga, or sometimes more incestuously, Inuyasha and his brother Sesshomaru in InuYasha.

    textual proof of harry/draco shipping « Love | Peace | Ohana 2007

  • Viz finally rolls out a VizBig version of Rumiko Takahashi’s long-running, much-loved InuYasha, which is a welcome development for people who might enjoy the anime but be a bit daunted by the 42 existing volumes of the manga.

    10 « November « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon 2009

  • Viz finally rolls out a VizBig version of Rumiko Takahashi’s long-running, much-loved InuYasha, which is a welcome development for people who might enjoy the anime but be a bit daunted by the 42 existing volumes of the manga.

    Upcoming 11/11/2009 2009

  • You will meet characters such as InuYasha, Gaara of Naruto, Son Goku of Dragon Ball, Eugene of Ghost Fighter or Ichigo Kurosaki of Bleach.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2009

  • Why is it which in most anime a characters possibly travel (InuYasha) or run (Bleach) everywhere they go?

    TV Anime Guide for Nov 09 Updated 1 Nov 09 admin 2009

  • Why is it which in most anime a characters possibly travel (InuYasha) or run (Bleach) everywhere they go?

    Archive 2009-12-01 admin 2009

  • Ranma 1/2 is too focused on silliness, InuYasha on violence, to really show what she's capable of.

    Manga Review: Maison Ikkoku 2008

  • When trespassing in Snuffles's room, the book I picked up happened to be volume 4 of InuYasha.

    Archive 2008-01-01 2008

  • In my encounters with Ranma 1/2 and InuYasha, I suspected Takahashi had more skill than she was letting on.

    Archive 2008-01-01 2008


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