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  • See Pierre Birnbaum, “Le Retour du Juif errant,” in Le juif errant.

    Bloodlust Russell Jacoby 2011

  • They issued an ordinance on May 31, 1942, that required Jews over the age of six to identify themselves in public by wearing a palm-sized yellow six-pointed star lettered Juif in black.

    Bloodlust Russell Jacoby 2011

  • They issued an ordinance on May 31, 1942, that required Jews over the age of six to identify themselves in public by wearing a palm-sized yellow six-pointed star lettered Juif in black.

    Bloodlust Russell Jacoby 2011

  • See Pierre Birnbaum, “Le Retour du Juif errant,” in Le juif errant.

    Bloodlust Russell Jacoby 2011

  • A fortnight ago Le Monde reported that French internet surfers searching for information on politicians typed a name followed by "Juif" "Jew" more frequently than in any other nation.

    Jewish people in the French capital live in the shadow of hatred 2011

  • Annette has a wonderful interview sequence in the film Comme un Juif en France, where her intelligence, quick wit, and dedication to the study of Jewish life and testimony are all on ample display. reply

    Annette Wieviorka. 2009

  • Loridan-Ivens is featured in the 3-hour documentary Comme un Juif en France (Being Jewish in France) [Yves Jeuland,2007], where she is among a number of French Jews (historians, rabbis, playwrights, philosophers, statesmen, etc.) interviewed on a variety of subjects having to do with both the past and present situation of Jews in France.

    Marceline Loridan-Ivens. 2009

  • Le Monde Juif 155 (1995): 143 – 155; “In the Ghetto and in the Resistance: A Personal Narrative.”

    Bronka Klibanski. 2009

  • The commemorative plaque reads: Marcel Rayman, heros Juif de la Resistance, Jewish hero of the Resistance.

    Celebrating Marcel 2009

  • Currently, she is working on a book to be entitled Réticence, répugnance et haine: la représentation antisémite du Juif (Reticence, Repugnance and Hatred: The Antisemitic Representation of the Jew).

    Charlotte Wardi. 2009


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