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  • Mors Kajak sprang to the opening to defend the way until we should have time to release the others.

    Warlord of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1912

  • No sooner was Tardos Mors free than he turned his attention to another of the prisoners, while I set to work to liberate Mors Kajak.

    Warlord of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1912

  • Helmand also facilitates the refining, storage, and eventual movement of narcot¬ics, again, mainly through the province†™ s southern border with Pakistan. • There is a hydroelectric dam at Kajak at the northern end of the river valley.

    The Long War Journal 2010

  • So an additional goal is to expand the secure areas and improve the civilian population†™ s freedom of movement. • Develop the hydroelectric dam in Kajak to produce electricity, and begin to distribute it throughout the province.

    The Long War Journal 2010

  • Helmand also facilitates the refining, storage, and eventual movement of narcot¬ics, again, mainly through the province†™ s southern border with Pakistan. • There is a hydroelectric dam at Kajak at the northern end of the river valley.

    The Long War Journal 2010

  • So an additional goal is to expand the secure areas and improve the civilian population†™ s freedom of movement. • Develop the hydroelectric dam in Kajak to produce electricity, and begin to distribute it throughout the province.

    The Long War Journal 2010


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