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  • In Solitary Man, written and directed by the team of Brian Koppelman and David Levien and opening Friday (5/21/10) in limited release, Kalmen is played by Michael Douglas with exactly the kind of roguish charm that Douglas has perfected over the course of his career.

    Marshall Fine: Movie review: Solitary Man 2010

  • YIVO Archives, NYC; Leksikon fun der Nayer Yidisher Literatur 8 (1981): 147; Marmor, Kalmen.

    Miriam Karpilove. 2009

  • For the criminally under-seen Solitary Man, Douglas slyly revisited and updated the type of irresponsible lothario character he played so well in the '80s and '90s by portraying Ben Kalmen, a car salesman trying to bounce back from scandal.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • For the criminally under-seen Solitary Man, Douglas slyly revisited and updated the type of irresponsible lothario character he played so well in the '80s and '90s by portraying Ben Kalmen, a car salesman trying to bounce back from scandal.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • Levien and opening Friday (5/21/10) in limited release, Kalmen is played by Michael Douglas with exactly the kind of roguish charm that Douglas has perfected over the course of his career.

    The Full Feed from 2010

  • Siriginano and Kalmen had to be extricated from the car.

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News By ERIKA I. RITCHIE 2010

  • Parker Kalmen, left, Harrison, Garrett Daynes and Harrison Thai wore green headbands in support of their friend Brent Sirignano who was involved in a car accident last Saturday ..

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories By ERIKA I. RITCHIE 2010

  • Kalmen was driving his 2006 Scion on Saturday afternoon when he lost control on a wet road.

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News By ERIKA I. RITCHIE 2010

  • Parker Kalmen, left, Harrison, Garrett Daynes and Harrison Thai wore green headbands in support of their friend Brent Sirignano who was involved in a car accident last Saturday ..

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories By ERIKA I. RITCHIE 2010

  • Ben Kalmen (Douglas) being told by his doctor that there's an irregularity in his EKG, the film returns to the present with the damage of his mortality scare already done.

    The Pitch | Complete Issue 2010


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