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  • If you think a pop-up book is impressive, check this one out: a pop-up diorama of the Kinkaku-ji Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan, made entirely out of LEGO blocks!

    LEGO Diorama is an Amazing Pop-Up 2009

  • A beautiful pop-up LEGO recreation of Kinkaku-ji, a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan constructed in the 14th century.

    Cthulhu Can Be In Your Home! modern__romance 2009

  • Commonly known as the Kinkaku-ji, the so-called "Golden Temple" is actually an outbuilding of the Rokuon-ji temple.

    Zen and the Art of Golden Temple Maintenance 2008

  • Over 1.5 million people visit Kinkaku-ji every year and the pavilion's structure and surrounding grounds have been branded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • You can read about Yagyu's devoted dedication to the Kinkaku-ji in detail right here.

    Zen and the Art of Golden Temple Maintenance 2008

  • Although Kinkaku-ji may appear to display an ethereal and timeless beauty, its history has not always been so serene.

    Zen and the Art of Golden Temple Maintenance 2008

  • Commonly known as the Kinkaku-ji, the so-called "Golden Temple" is actually an outbuilding of the Rokuon-ji temple.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • You can read about Yagyu's devoted dedication to the Kinkaku-ji in detail right here.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • Although Kinkaku-ji may appear to display an ethereal and timeless beauty, its history has not always been so serene.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • Over 1.5 million people visit Kinkaku-ji every year and the pavilion's structure and surrounding grounds have been branded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Zen and the Art of Golden Temple Maintenance 2008


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