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  • Written as a bittersweet and sometimes mordant comedy, the play was staged as an elegiac drama by Constantin Stanislavsky's Moscow Art Theater, with Chekhov's wife Olga Knipper in the central role of Madame Ranevskaya.

    Fénelon's Gnarled 'Orchard' Judy Fayard 2012

  • Chekhov remembered these little moments -- in a letter to Olga Knipper in 1903 he wrote, "What torture it is to cut the nails on your right hand!"

    Play on Words 2009

  • And this is from the July 21 Eureka Times-Standard (archive): The program, a 22-acre retreat in the hills near Willow Creek, called "Incopah," would help transition vets using adventure therapy, non-denominational spiritual ceremonies and meditative work with the land, Knipper said.

    Adventure Therapy For Veterans Coming to Incopah 2008

  • Knipper said he envisions the veteran-built retreat offering veterans a place to reflect and recover, off the grid and solitary in the forest "to bring our warriors back into the tribe."

    Adventure Therapy For Veterans Coming to Incopah 2008

  • The T-S article concludes: Donations can be made to Incopah, or Veterans Village, through Knipper: or phone 707-498-6937 for more information.

    Adventure Therapy For Veterans Coming to Incopah 2008

  • Knipper said by opening the resort to tourism, the program could be financially self-sustaining, and would teach the veterans skill sets that could benefit them in the job market after they leave.

    Adventure Therapy For Veterans Coming to Incopah 2008

  • It a collection of letters between Anton Chekhov and Olga Knipper.

    D&D Character Musings 2002

  • Knipper-Totes -- champions of the Vote when Woman Suffrage was outside practical politics -- had reached the steps of the Strangers 'entrance to the House of Commons.

    Mrs. Warren's Daughter A Story of the Woman's Movement Harry Hamilton Johnston 1892

  • Knipper is a social worker and a long-time activist who had been the contact person between Trees and NCEF!

    North Coast Journal Comments 2010

  • Or, who knows - maybe he's a phony, like he accused Knipper of being back in 2005.

    North Coast Journal Comments 2010


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