
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of Kraut.


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  • What is up with use of the term "Krauts" to describe Germans?

    Kraut C N Heidelberg 2009

  • What is up with use of the term "Krauts" to describe Germans?

    Archive 2009-02-01 C N Heidelberg 2009

  • The Team: Germans are nice folks, but students of history will tell you to be wary of the "Krauts", as Walter from The Big Lebowski would call them.

    Soccer Blogs - latest posts 2010

  • The Team: Germans are nice folks, but students of history will tell you to be wary of the "Krauts", as Walter from The Big Lebowski would call them.

    Soccer Blogs - latest posts 2010

  • It FEELS GOOD to screw the Frogs, Krauts, and Borri.

    Smooting the Weasels, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • Saving the benighted foreigners from domination by Krauts or Frogs.

    Matthew Yglesias » Alan Wolfe on Liberal Hawks 2009

  • We won WW2 not because we were fiercer (the Japanese were fiercer) or because we had better materiel (the Krauts had the best stuff by far) but because we could make more stuff than anybody else and the Russians had more bodies to put in uniform than anybody else.

    A Paddlefish Warning, from China 2009

  • We won WW2 not because we were fiercer (the Japanese were fiercer) or because we had better materiel (the Krauts had the best stuff by far) but because we could make more stuff than anybody else and the Russians had more bodies to put in uniform than anybody else.

    A Paddlefish Warning, from China 2009

  • Even Harvard Grad Robert Oppenheimer had to go to England and Germany for his graduate education — which the Krauts obliging provided.

    Matthew Yglesias » School Competition 2010

  • "The Krauts are gearing up to let loose at us, make no mistake," warns a friend of the family.

    The Fear of a Failure to Communicate 2010


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