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  • They felt humiliated when the court claimed their furniture against unpaid bills and the bailiff pasted the evidence of their failure, the Kuckuck—cuckoo, on the back of a cupboard or desk.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • They felt humiliated when the court claimed their furniture against unpaid bills and the bailiff pasted the evidence of their failure, the Kuckuck—cuckoo, on the back of a cupboard or desk.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • They felt humiliated when the court claimed their furniture against unpaid bills and the bailiff pasted the evidence of their failure, the Kuckuck—cuckoo, on the back of a cupboard or desk.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • They felt humiliated when the court claimed their furniture against unpaid bills and the bailiff pasted the evidence of their failure, the Kuckuck—cuckoo, on the back of a cupboard or desk.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • They felt humiliated when the court claimed their furniture against unpaid bills and the bailiff pasted the evidence of their failure, the Kuckuck—cuckoo, on the back of a cupboard or desk.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • (See also Kuckuck, _Die Rechenkunst im sechzehnten Jahrhundert_, Berlin, 1874, p. 7; Günther, _Geschichte_, p. 316.) [243] "La dixième s'appelle chifre vulgairement: les vns l'appellant zero: nous la pourrons appeller vn Rien."

    The Hindu-Arabic Numerals David Eugene Smith 1902

  • On May 30th Castlereagh received a report from a Hanoverian officer, Kuckuck, stating that Hanover and Hesse were ripe for revolt, and that Hameln might easily be seized if the

    The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2) John Holland Rose 1898

  • Elsewhere afield, the curlew, with its cry of courli, is obviously named, as is the cuckoo, whose name is similar in many languages (French coucou, German Kuckuck, Greek kokkux, Latin cuculus).

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 3 1997


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