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  • Oddly enough, militant anti-feminists like Naomi Lakritz seem to think so -- when the violence is perpetrated by Muslims from other lands.

    Archive 2009-08-01 2009

  • Yet they have all been homogenized into a caricatured "Other" by the likes of Naomi Lakritz and Phyllis Chesler.

    Archive 2009-08-01 2009

  • Or (in the case of Lakritz, albeit obliquely) an anti-Palestinian one.

    Archive 2009-08-01 2009

  • It contained SMILES in the form of Lakritz (including a caramellina Golia), Strickgarn (with pretty charms), Gummibärchen, and a beautiful card.

    Archive 2009-11-01 2009

  • The deaths of some teenaged girls, in short, offered a perfect opportunity for Lakritz to advance her clearly anti-feminist and anti-Muslim agenda.

    Archive 2009-08-01 2009

  • It contained SMILES in the form of Lakritz (including a caramellina Golia), Strickgarn (with pretty charms), Gummibärchen, and a beautiful card.

    L’amore fa bene alla gente 2009

  • There's Naomi Lakritz, who earlier fussed about an alleged anti-male subtext to feminist anti-violence concerns — she objects to all males being tarred with the brush of Marc Lepine or, more recently, George Sodini — but has no difficulty at all, it appears, doing the same thing to Muslims.

    Archive 2009-08-01 2009

  • A woman after my own heart Love Naomi Lakritz on life.

    ProWomanProLife » The heart has its reasons that reason doesn’t know 2009

  • Or in the case of Lakritz, albeit obliquely an anti-Palestinian one.

    "Honour killings" and the game of categories 2009

  • The deaths of some teenaged girls, in short, offered a perfect opportunity for Lakritz to advance her clearly anti-feminist and anti-Muslim agenda.

    "Honour killings" and the game of categories 2009


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