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  • [20] The avalanche -- the equivoque of the original, turning on the Swiss word Lawine, it is impossible to render intelligible to the English reader.

    The Poems of Schiller — Third period Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1782

  • [20] The avalanche -- the equivoque of the original, turning on the Swiss word Lawine, it is impossible to render intelligible to the English reader.

    The Works of Frederich Schiller Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1782

  • No forest, indeed, could arrest a large avalanche once in full motion, but the mechanical resistance afforded by the trees prevents their formation, both by obstructing the wind, which gives to the dry snow of the Staub-Lawine, or dust-avalanche, its first impulse, and by checking the disposition of moist snow to gather itself into what is called the Rutsch-Lawine, or sliding avalanche.

    Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical) 1874

  • No forest, indeed, could arrest a large avalanche once in full motion, but the mechanical resistance afforded by the trees prevents their formation, both by obstructing the wind, which gives to the dry snow of the Staub-Lawine, or dust-avalanche, its first impulse, and by checking the disposition of moist snow to gather itself into what is called the Rutsch-Lawine, or sliding avalanche.

    The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh 1841


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