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  • Legislatur 'ob Kaintuck may say to de reverse contrary dereof -- _dat is_, if de _Union_ be saved _likewise_; and Massa Linkum is de man what will stand up to de rack; so, derefore, I ax you,' _Whar do you lib? _ '

    Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive Alf Burnett

  • When Bush stole office in 2000, the US was on glide slope of Down Sizing and Free Trade Out sourcing of UC Labor jobs, the US Auto makers watched, the Southern Strategy of giving Foreign Auto Makers, cheap land and the Southern Legislatur ­es, passing Right to Work Laws and Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvan ­ia, losing Manufactur­ing Jobs well underway.

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • When Bush stole office in 2000, the US was on glide slope of Down Sizing and Free Trade Out sourcing of UC Labor jobs, the US Auto makers watched, the Southern Strategy of giving Foreign Auto Makers, cheap land and the Southern Legislatur ­es, passing Right to Work Laws and Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvan ­ia, losing Manufactur­ing Jobs well underway.

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • Article VI paragraph 3: "The Senators and Representa­tives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatur ­es, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmatio ­n, to support this Constituti­on; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualificat ­ion to any office or public trust under the United States."

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2012

  • * mobilise the Legislatur on the programme of activities for women over the next five years.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000

  • -- she's fourteen; she was telling my daughter Mattie so jest the other day, and the Legislatur has made the marrying age twelve for girls and fifteen for boys, so she's two years overtime already.

    The Lions of the Lord A Tale of the Old West Harry Leon Wilson 1903

  • After I'd arn't a heap of money for Marster Kennedy he wanted to go to the Legislatur ', and as some on 'em wouldn't vote for him while he owned a nigger, he set me free, and sent for me to come home.

    Cousin Maude Mary Jane Holmes 1866

  • "My son-in-law was tellin 'me last summer how a passel o' women kept goin 'up to Frankfort and so pesterin' the Legislatur ', that they had to change the laws to git rid of' em.

    Aunt Jane of Kentucky Eliza Calvert Hall

  • "Jethro kind of fathers the Legislatur ', I guess, though I don't take much stock in politics.

    Coniston — Volume 01 Winston Churchill 1909

  • "Jethro kind of fathers the Legislatur ', I guess, though I don't take much stock in politics.

    Coniston — Complete Winston Churchill 1909


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