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  • A widely publicized corruption case in 2006 involved the dismissal of the then-Shanghai party secretary, Chen Liangyu, for alleged misuse of money in the city's social security fund.

    China Considers Letting Pensions Invest in Domestic Stocks Lingling Wei 2011

  • That came a year after Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Liangyu was dismissed for graft.

    China Fires Rail Engineer in Graft Probe James T. Areddy 2011

  • He was party secretary of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces before taking the top job in Shanghai when Chen Liangyu was brought down by a corruption case.

    Chinese vice-president Xi Jinping appointed to key military post Tania Branigan in Beijing 2010

  • "We were very quick with our passes on the counterattack," said China assistant coach Wang Haiming, who handled the team in the absence of head coach Ma Liangyu.

    Top-ranked Germany draws No. 2 USA 0-0 2007

  • Wang is coaching the team in the absence of Ma Liangyu, who is missing from the tournament with what Chinese team officials say is a heart problem.

    USA, England draw 1-1 at Four Nations Cup 2007

  • I am just saying it is ridiculous to discount the genuine and much wider campaign against corruption by the simple characterization of party faction struggle, in particular, the allegation that Chen will not be charged had it not for the so called Hu-Jianhg show down, and those who claimed than Chen Xitong and Chen Liangyu were "scapegoats".

    Maybe there is no conspiracy Sun Bin 2006

  • Liangyu (since 17 March 2003) cabinet: State Council appointed by the National People's Congress

    The 2007 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Liangyu (since 17 March 2003) cabinet: State Council appointed by the National People's Congress

    The 2007 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Appointed party boss in 2002 of the dynamic Zhejiang province, he briefly ran Shanghai after the felling of Party Secretary Chen Liangyu for corruption in 2007 before being elevated to the all-important Politburo Standing Committee during the party congress later that same year.

    News 2012

  • Vice Premier Hui Liangyu said the nation will "actively" cope with international competitive pressures in the seed industry, according to a statement posted on the government website yesterday. -- Top News 2011


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