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  • I remembered the last words Jeff had said when he and Arnie came into my room that first time in the Limbus.

    Archive 2009-09-13 Sean Craven 2009

  • I remembered the last words Jeff had said when he and Arnie came into my room that first time in the Limbus.

    I Finished! Sean Craven 2009

  • Here are a few bits of alternative evolution from the Limbus.

    Archive 2009-09-06 Sean Craven 2009

  • Here are a few bits of alternative evolution from the Limbus.

    From The Cutting-Room Floor Sean Craven 2009

  • They founded and continue to run The Limbus Gallery, a Tel Aviv gallery that is an important feature in the contemporary art world in Israel.

    Photography in Palestine and Israel: 1900-Present Day. 2009

  • Now, while historically the region itself belonged to Sikkim and previously a loose confederation of the Lepchas, Limbus, Rais, Magars and the rest of the Fiefdoms and Principalities of Nepal, these Indians of Nepalese origin known popularly and collectively as Gorkhas have historical rights to the land and this includes the Lepchas and the Limbus (Limbuwan).

    The Question(s) of Gorkhaland by Barun Roy 2008

  • It corresponds after a fashion with the classical Hades and the Limbus (Limbo) of

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • Bellarmine: or Limbus patrum, as Gallucius will, and as Rusca will (for they have made maps of it) [3046] or Ignatius parler?

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • Clipeus erat vacuus, in quo olim fuisse dicebant laminam æream, et eius in ea itidem cælata insignia, Leonem videlicet argenteum, cui ad pectus lunula rubea in campo cæruleo, quem Limbus ambiret denticulatus ex auro.

    The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville 2004

  • Limbus: the area along the outer and posterior margin of wing beyond the closed cells; Homoptera, Cicada.

    Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology John. B. Smith


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