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  • Appel à tous les belges vivant à londres - Calling all Belgians who live in London WZYWAMY POLAKÓW MIESZKAJĄCYCH W LONDYNIE - CALLING POLES LIVING IN LONDON OPROEP AAN ALLE IN LONDEN VERBLIJVENDE BELGEN - Calling all Belgians who live in London Appel aux français non musulmans vivant à Londres - Calling French non-Muslims living in London

    SIOE Stop Islamisation Of Europe 2009

  • North on Allende, about 3 blocks beyond the mercado, on the corner of Allende and Londres, is a blue house with dark red trim -- the Blue House/Frida Kahlo Museum.

    Historical Coyoacan - A Walking Tour 2000

  • North on Allende, about 3 blocks beyond the mercado, on the corner of Allende and Londres, is a blue house with dark red trim -- the Blue House/Frida Kahlo Museum.

    Historical Coyoacan - A Walking Tour 2000

  • In those cases, the speaker will be conscious of 'London', for example, coming to represent Pierre's "Londres" - beliefs as opposed to his "London" - beliefes she previously used it to represent; the speaker, we can say, is in control of the shift in context.

    Propositional Attitude Reports McKay, Thomas 2005

  • But London is not London in French; it is "Londres" in

    Esperanto: Hearings before the Committee on Education Richard Bartholdt 1893

  • 'If there be a flask of Johannisberg in the "Londres," I'll drink your health this day, and so shall Mary;' so saying, I entered the hotel with a lighter heart, and a firmer step than ever it had been my fortune to do hitherto.

    The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 6 Charles James Lever 1839

  • 'If there be a flask of Johannisberg in the "Londres," I'll drink your health this day, and so shall Mary;' so saying, I entered the hotel with a lighter heart, and a firmer step than ever it had been my fortune to do hitherto.

    The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Complete Charles James Lever 1839

  • J'aime ton histoire aujourd'hui comme j'aide preparer ma fille de partir pour Londres le mardi prochain ....... sniff.

    serment - French Word-A-Day 2009

  • Elsa, une française à Londres, prof de français pour étrangers!

    quickie 2009

  • → “Le décalage horaire entre Londres et New York est de cinq heures”.

    decalage horaire - French Word-A-Day 2010


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