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  • Lutte is French for "struggle," the name the colonialists used to describe the primal style of wrestling practiced by the Senegalese.

    My World Wrestling Revelation Dhani Jones 2011

  • Lutte is French for "struggle," the name the colonialists used to describe the primal style of wrestling practiced by the Senegalese.

    My World Wrestling Revelation Dhani Jones 2011

  • Lutte is French for "struggle," the name French colonialists used to describe the style of wrestling practiced by the Senegalese.

    Senegal, Through Dhani's Lens 2011

  • Lutte is French for "struggle," the name French colonialists used to describe the style of wrestling practiced by the Senegalese.

    Senegal, Through Dhani's Lens 2011

  • Pierre Bordry, the often-controversial head of theFrench anti-doping agency, Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage, announced his resignation on Friday.

    French anti-doping agency chief Pierre Bordry resigns 2010

  • The first, and obvious, choice would be to put all sample testing under the control of the Département des Analyses at the laboratory of the Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage AFLD in Châtenay-Malabry, near Paris.

    The Explainer: Lab wars and the real Tour of Colorado 2011

  • The French national anti-doping agency, Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage (AFLD), said it is once again ready to help play a role beating the drugs cheats on the Tour de France after independent observers called for an end to its spat with world cycling chiefs.

    French doping agency hopes to end dispute with UCI 2010

  • The Monte Carlo Passion for Life exhibition will be supporting GEMLUC Groupement des Entreprises Monégasques dans la Lutte contre le cancer, with its fundraising activities.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • The Monte Carlo Passion for Life exhibition will be supporting GEMLUC Groupement des Entreprises Monégasques dans la Lutte contre le cancer, with its fundraising activities.

    Monte Carlo hosts "Passion for Life" art exhibition supporting GEMLUC Thatsnews 2008

  • He was awarded the Puce d'or Lutte Contre La Fraud award for presentinga paper on credit card fraud in Paris, France in 1989.

    President Names 16 Senior Officials ITY National Archives 1993


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