
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation Master of Public Health


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  • LG's technology, which it calls MPH for mobile-pedestrian-handheld, requires TV stations to buy relatively inexpensive add-on devices for their digital transmitters and the makers of cellphones and other portable devices to install a reception chip.

    LG Brings TV to Mobile Devices 2008

  • Dana Ullman, MPH, is America's leading spokesperson for homeopathy and is the founder of www.

    Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression? Dana Ullman 2010

  • Just as, in your example, 55 MPH is the fastest you can (legally in most places) drive.

    Can New York Save Broadband? 2009

  • Dana Ullman, MPH, is America's leading spokesperson for homeopathy and is the founder of www.

    Dana Ullman: Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression? Dana Ullman 2010

  • For example, stinky feet and armpits at 80 MPH is worse than slow-moving BO.

    How I really feel about GM: The ultimate test-drive « Happy Healthy Hip Parenting 2009

  • -- A film about a Segway road trip called 10 MPH is the kind of movie that makes Hollywood happy.

    Coffee Break: August 13 2007

  • February 16, 2006 8: 44 PM bibliobibuli said ... visitor - * mentally adds to the list of things to write about* dreamer idiot, square smiley - yes agree about the "utilitarian" books in MPH - a lot on business, a lot of self-help ... and also a lot of space for non-book items ... even chocs in megamall!

    A Quick Guide to Bookshop Chains Sharon Bakar 2006

  • MPH is going head to head with Times as they are also having a warehouse sale on 23rd.

    Book Spree! Whopee! Sharon Bakar 2006

  • MPH is the biggest chain bookshop and can claim to be the oldest, since it was originally set up as Methodist Publishing House 100 years ago.

    A Quick Guide to Bookshop Chains Sharon Bakar 2006

  • * If you don't have that special someone yet, why not put a rose between your teeth and go stand in MPH or Borders or Kino during your lunch-break tomorrow and see which other lonely hearts happen along ...

    More Love Among the Bookshelves Sharon Bakar 2006


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