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  • Another company, Teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH, a tool company in the town of Freiberg near Stuttgart, signed two such swap deals with Deutsche Bank, and ultimately paid the bank €1.3 million to terminate the contracts as its losses from them began to mount.

    Deutsche Bank Awaits Verdict in Swaps Case David Crawford 2011

  • The first result was the Maschinen Pistole Kalashnikov, or MPiK, a copy of the original design.

    The Gun C. J. Chivers 2010

  • There is even a Deutsch electronica band called Lights of Euphoria whose supposed masterpiece is an album titled Krieg gegen die Maschinen, which literally translates as, “War Against the Machines.”

    Chuck Klosterman on Film and Television Chuck Klosterman 2009

  • Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Archive 2008-07-01 papabear 2008

  • Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Archive 2008-06-29 papabear 2008

  • There is even a Deutsch electronica band called Lights of Euphoria whose supposed masterpiece is an album titled Krieg gegen die Maschinen, which literally translates as, “War Against the Machines.”

    Robots Chuck Klosterman 2007

  • RITTINGER, P.: Erfahrungen im berg - und huttenmannischen Maschinen -, Bau - und Autbereitungswesen, Wien, Jahrgange 1856

    Chapter 30 1993

  • HAUSDING, A: Industrielle Torfeewinnung und Torfverwertung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der dazu erforderlichen Maschinen und Apparate nebst deren Anlagen - und Betriebskosten, Seydel 1876.

    Chapter 30 1993

  • SEGLER, G. (1956): Maschinen in der Landwirtschaft.

    Chapter 9 1991

  • Walther, Karl: Die landwirtschaftlichen Maschinen.

    9. Fifteen Comprehensive Theses for the Propagation of Animal-Power Technology 1986


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