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  • Takidemt, was destroyed; Maskara was subdued (1841); and the heroic chief, still repudiating defeat, retreated to Morocco.

    The Story of the Barbary Corsairs Stanley Lane-Poole

  • His former fame and his father's name were talismans to draw the impetuous tribes towards him; and he soon had so large a following that the French deemed it prudent for the moment to recognize him (1834) as Emīr of Maskara, his native place, of which he had already been chosen king by general acclamation.

    The Story of the Barbary Corsairs Stanley Lane-Poole

  • Abhay Maskara, a collector turned gallery owner in Mumbai, has put on some of the city†™ s most conceptually challenging exhibitions since Gallery Maskara opened in March 2008. “I am looking for artists that are going to make a difference in the next decade, †he asserts. “There are some excellent artists who have not been shown or are under represented.

    The Economic Times 2010

  • I want to create a context for those artists. †Maskara has exhibited Canadian, Brazilian and Belgian artists and opts to show young Indian artists like T Venkanna and Shine Shivan who question existing cultural, social and political strictures.

    The Economic Times 2010

  • Destroy geurrilla air defense stations on Maskara, Espejo, Sardina islands for the Colonel at the southern Army Fortress.

    IGN Complete 2010


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