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  • We could be in for a pleasant suprise .. doesnt really matter we shuld have messi playing for us by sat. maybe jk meant that he wasnt involved with his national team as Messi has an agreement to miss the friendlies v scotland and france. may aswell go and get his name on my shirt, its practically a done deal.

    Soccer Blogs - latest posts 2009

  • Messi is great, but come on. 3 good games does not put him in the same league as Wayne Gretzky, who scored more points in the 1985 – 86 season than Crosby and Ovechkin have ever scored in a season, combined.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » True Genius: 2010

  • Last month, Argentina beat Brazil in the Olympic soccer tournament and went on to win the gold medal which may have helped prompt Brazilian president Lula da Silva to say last week that the Argentine players had an awesome fighting spirit and that Argentina's Lionel Messi is the best player in the world.

    Your Brazil roundup 2008

  • Last month, Argentina beat Brazil in the Olympic soccer tournament and went on to win the gold medal which may have helped prompt Brazilian president Lula da Silva to say last week that the Argentine players had an awesome fighting spirit and that Argentina's Lionel Messi is the best player in the world.

    Archive 2008-09-01 2008

  • Pekerman, a low-key man who came up coaching successful Argentine youth teams at the world level, is trying to contain Messi's youthful energy. - Many 'healthy' options at forward for Argentina coach Pekerman 2006

  • Despite his youth, Messi is one of the most recognized players in Herzogenaurach, the medieval northern Bavarian town where Argentina has set up its training camp. - Many 'healthy' options at forward for Argentina coach Pekerman 2006

  • Messi is short but still manages to tough it out when he needs to and I have watched both players since the last 4 years and Ronaldo dives like about, 5 times more than Messi.

    Soccer Blogs - latest posts Real Madrid Galacticos 2009

  • Platini called Messi "a pearl," but said he must win soccer's biggest prize to rival Pele or Maradona.

    The Seattle Times 2012

  • He is also known to really admire Messi, which is why he specifically came to watch the match. - Articles related to Cruyff hands in Barcelona club badge 2010

  • He is also known to really admire Messi, which is why he specifically came to watch the match. - Articles related to Cruyff hands in Barcelona club badge 2010


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