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  • - sheet music to Bartk's "Mikrokosmos" stolen at lunch

    11/25/02 Things That Fellow 7th 2002

  • - sheet music to Bartk's "Mikrokosmos" stolen at lunch

    11/20/02 This was one of 2002

  • As the set progressed, the group grew in confidence: Soon, there was a flawless and joyful reading of "Mikrokosmos #149," a tricky piece in 7/8 time.

    Bartók Over Bluegrass Jim Fusilli 2011

  • Perhaps feeling bold, they took on "Mikrokosmos #150."

    Bartók Over Bluegrass Jim Fusilli 2011

  • This exploration of the tension between abstraction and expression continues in 1983's Rosas Danst Rosas (Tue), then explodes into theatre in the two final works, 1984's Elena's Aria (Thu), receiving its UK premiere, and 1987's emotional, surreal Bartók Mikrokosmos (16 Apr, pictured), which is set to music by Ligeti and Bartók.

    This week's new dance 2011

  • Some tracks are re-imaginings of Bartók's "Mikrokosmos" piano pieces, some of which the composer wrote as exercises for his son Péter, while others are longer, knottier works for accomplished musicians.

    Bartók Over Bluegrass Jim Fusilli 2011

  • Mikrokosmos, six volumes of keyboard music organized in increasing difficulty.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • BARTOK: Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano; Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Piano; Mikrokosmos (excerpts) - Benny Goodman, clarinet/Joseph Szigeti, violin/Bela Bartok, piano

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • BARTOK: Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano; Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Piano; Mikrokosmos (excerpts) - Benny Goodman, clarinet/Joseph Szigeti, violin/

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • Mikrokosmos which was my exposure to twentieth-century music, and this was the moment when I decided that I wanted to be a composer rather than a pianist.

    Opera Today 2010


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