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  • Monopole magnetic fields have been created in the lab… nice!

    Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today 2009

  • Monopole, maybe they did a mock-up test fit of the Enterprise in the desert then lifted the components up into space.

    Video: Star Trek Super Bowl teaser - Boing Boing Gadgets 2009

  • Monopole champagne went down off Finland, sunk by a German U-boat.

    Conventional Wisdom 2008

  • Kragh, H. (1981) “The Concept of the Monopole: a Historical and Analytical Case-Study,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 12 (2), 141-72.

    Simplicity Baker, Alan 2004

  • He shouted for a half-of-bitter with the solemnity of one who commands that two bottles of dry Monopole be put on the ice.

    Nights in London Thomas Burke 1915

  • Organisationsformen: Monopole, Kartelle, und Aktiengesellschaften im

    The Age of the Reformation Preserved Smith 1910

  • We discuss what the last doctor thinks, and how the baby is, and whether we'll take the Jackson house or build or live at the Monopole and go abroad, and Nan Lawton's latest, -- really vital things, you see!

    Together Robert Herrick 1903

  • "Dry Monopole!" moaned the manager, near to tears.

    Stingaree 1893

  • During their conversation the shopkeeper's eyes wandered continually to the big store on the other side of the street; the huge, gilded letters of the name 'Monopole

    The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Robert Tressell 1890

  • Estimated cost of two dinners at the Restaurant Schaurté (Monopole): --

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885


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