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  • Spanish nations; and the Slavonic comprises the Slavs and Romanic races with their innumerable subdivisions such as Moscovite, Chech,

    The Secrets of the German War Office Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves

  • New "Moscovite" Container Connection up and running between Duisburg and Moscow

    WebWire | Recent Headlines 2010

  • In a letter read out to a rally against racism and ethnic violence in Moscow last year, Bonner described herself as a Moscovite, Jew and Caucasus national.

    In praise of… Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner 2011

  • In a letter read out to a rally against racism and ethnic violence in Moscow last year, Bonner described herself as a Moscovite, Jew and Caucasus national.

    In praise of… Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner 2011

  • The foremost and most loathed Moscovite was Matyas Rakosi, a future prime minister.

    Enemies of the People KATI MARTON 2009

  • The foremost and most loathed Moscovite was Matyas Rakosi, a future prime minister.

    Enemies of the People KATI MARTON 2009

  • The words had a dramatic poetry that made my imagination soar: “jellied goose liver froth … Moscovite canape … glazed veal muscle à la Milanese … savage orange duck … golden supreme of swallow fish in butter …” And darkly, “slice of liver English-style.”

    What I Ate On Mars 2009

  • Another word returns from the deepest recesses of childhood: “Moscovite,” the word spoken by my parents with special contempt, in reference to those Hungarian Communists who returned to Budapest with the Red Army.

    Enemies of the People KATI MARTON 2009

  • The words had a dramatic poetry that made my imagination soar: “jellied goose liver froth … Moscovite canape … glazed veal muscle à la Milanese … savage orange duck … golden supreme of swallow fish in butter …” And darkly, “slice of liver English-style.”

    What I Ate On Mars 2009

  • Another word returns from the deepest recesses of childhood: “Moscovite,” the word spoken by my parents with special contempt, in reference to those Hungarian Communists who returned to Budapest with the Red Army.

    Enemies of the People KATI MARTON 2009


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