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  • Irenæus may be corroborated by the very ancient catalogue known as the Muratorian Canon, and St. Hippolytus, representing Roman tradition; by Tertullian in Africa, by Clement in Alexandria; the works of the Gnostic Valentinus, and the Syrian Tatian's Diatessaron,

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux 1840-1916 1913

  • Tertullian; and in the so-called Muratorian Fragment.

    History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7) Adolph Harnack 1890

  • Also called the Muratorian Fragment, after the name of the discoverer and first editor, L.A. Muratori (in the "Antiquitates italicae",

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman 1840-1916 1913

  • There was the Muratorian council followed by the Laodicea, and then Hippo.

    TEXAS FAITH: Why are millennials dropping out? | RELIGION Blog | 2010

  • The first canonization of the Bible was by the Muratorian council which was compiled in or around 170 A.D. That Bible did not include the Book of Hebrews, the 3rd Book of John, nor the Book of James.

    TEXAS FAITH: Why are millennials dropping out? | RELIGION Blog | 2010

  • It was not included in the Muratorian Fragment, our earliest list of New Testament books that were accepted as Scripture in Rome at the end of the 2nd century.1 The 3rd-century Christian scholars Origen and Eusebius both listed it among the disputed books.2 Even the great Western Christian scholars Jerome and Augustine accepted the letter only reluctantly.

    The Jesus Dynasty James D. Tabor 2006

  • It was not included in the Muratorian Fragment, our earliest list of New Testament books that were accepted as Scripture in Rome at the end of the 2nd century.1 The 3rd-century Christian scholars Origen and Eusebius both listed it among the disputed books.2 Even the great Western Christian scholars Jerome and Augustine accepted the letter only reluctantly.

    The Jesus Dynasty James D. Tabor 2006

  • Thus, amid the crash of falling thrones, I have quietly continued at my history of Switzerland, written articles for several reviews, and made extracts from many of the ancient classics, from the whole _Muratorian Thesaurus_, and from other printed and manuscript volumes.

    Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia F. [Translator] Jordan

  • Muratorian fragment in the Ambrosian Library at Milan shows to us that the separate books of the New Testament had indeed been collected into one; and a belief in their Divine inspiration equally with the Old

    Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood Hugh Macmillan

  • Muratorian Fragment, and this view has in the end prevailed amongst scholars, being now almost universally received.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability 1840-1916 1913


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