
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • interjection Alternative form of n.b.
  • proper noun Abbreviation of New Brunswick.


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  • In 2007, Natasha released an album titled N.B., and last year followed with "Pocketful of Sunshine."

    VOA News: Top Stories 2009

  • In 2007, Natasha released an album titled N.B., and last year followed with "Pocketful of Sunshine."

    VOA News: Top Stories 2009

  • In 2007, Natasha released an album titled N.B., and last year followed with "Pocketful of Sunshine."

    VOA News: Top Stories 2009

  • In 2007, Natasha released an album titled N.B., and last year followed with "Pocketful of Sunshine."

    VOA News: Top Stories 2009

  • N.B. Orders punctually attended to, packed and sent to any part of the colony [of Van Diemen's Land].

    Bark! Bark! Bark! 2009

  • N.B. For several years — incredible as it may seem — a tiny, somewhat Pooterish, but nevertheless intriguing question has been rattling around in my head for which I could find no answer, until now.

    N.B. 2009

  • He was just then on a golfing holiday in Scotland, and his letter to the editor of The Times newspaper, which was published on July 30 (p. 15), gives the following address: “Ugadale Arms Hotel, Machrihanish, Campbeltown, N.B.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • He was just then on a golfing holiday in Scotland, and his letter to the editor of The Times newspaper, which was published on July 30 (p. 15), gives the following address: “Ugadale Arms Hotel, Machrihanish, Campbeltown, N.B.

    N.B. 2009

  • N.B. For several years — incredible as it may seem — a tiny, somewhat Pooterish, but nevertheless intriguing question has been rattling around in my head for which I could find no answer, until now.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • The Tumbrel Diaries: N.B. skip to main | skip to sidebar

    N.B. 2009


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