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  • He gave dinners, went to balls, rode all day about his island, planned fortifications, aqueducts, lazarettos, harbours, and palaces; and the very second day after he landed fitted out an expedition of a dozen soldiers to take possession of a little uninhabited island called Pianosa, which lies a few leagues from Elba; on this occasion he said good-humouredly, "Toute l'Europe dira que j'ai deja fait une conqute" (All Europe will say I have already made a conquest).

    The Memoirs of Napoleon Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de 1836

  • Milo Minderbinder is buying clementines in Morocco for seven cents, selling them in Pianosa for five cents, and making a profit.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » No, Not That David Bernstein: 2009

  • Milo Minderbinder is buying clementines in Morocco for seven cents, selling them in Pianosa for five cents, and making a profit.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » No, Not That David Bernstein: 2009

  • I was like Yossarian in "Catch-22," who considered the officers 'club he didn't help build in Pianosa "a sturdy and complex monument to his powers of determination."

    Tuney wrap David 2007

  • I was like Yossarian in "Catch-22," who considered the officers 'club he didn't help build in Pianosa "a sturdy and complex monument to his powers of determination."

    Archive 2007-10-01 David 2007

  • And Yossarian in operational training in Carolina and later in Pianosa in combat, after the five of us, Yossarian, Appleby, Kraft, Schroeder, and I, had flown overseas as a crew.

    Closing Time Joseph Heller 1994

  • After landing at Pianosa we looked around with enchantment at the mountains and woods so near to the sea as we waited for the vehicles that would drive us with our bags to the orderly room of our squadron to report with our orders and receive our tent assignments.

    Closing Time Joseph Heller 1994

  • “It was at that funeral in Pianosa,” she related, “at the burial of that young Samuel Singer we spoke of before.”

    Closing Time Joseph Heller 1994

  • Nowhere in his lifetime, Yossarian was bound often to remember, not in wartime Rome or Pianosa or even in blasted Naples or Sicily, had he been spectator to such atrocious squalor as he saw mounting up all around him now into an eminent domain of decay.

    Closing Time Joseph Heller 1994

  • PLANASIA, a small island near the coast of Etruria, in the Tuscan Sea; now _Pianosa_.

    A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements Caius Cornelius Tacitus


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