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  • The Clear Creek cassis provides a terrific excuse to make the Vermouth-Cassis (also known as the Pompier), an elegant French cocktail that had a brief fashionability in the States 50 years ago.

    The Fruits of Clear Creek Distillery's Labor 2008

  • Instead, you'll find two antique wooden toys – a green delivery van and a red French fire truck with "Pompier" emblazoned on it – displayed in one window, a couple of wheels of Parmesan in the other.

    Tappo Brings Quirkiness Back to the East Village 2001

  • Pompier painters in the 19th century were not so much criticized for their technique but must of all for their subjects.

    Art or Nature? James Gurney 2008

  • Had he not found the most exquisite happiness in his part ownership of Pompier de Nanterre!

    Baron Trigault's Vengeance ��mile Gaboriau 1852

  • In the first place, he judged, with no little reason, that it was dangerous to leap hurdles on such an animal as Pompier; and, secondly, nothing irritated him so much as to be obliged to promenade with his three employers in turn.

    Baron Trigault's Vengeance ��mile Gaboriau 1852

  • The chief difference between the Graham Greene Cocktail and my Pompier variation lies in the ratios of the ingredients.

    SFGate: Top News Stories Gary Regan 2010


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