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  • Prawda? monia: Lego już prezentuje kolejną serię w kolorze niebieskim.

    Klocki - LEGO Bricks for Adults » Transforming Wall-E from Korea 2009

  • Henryk Grynberg considers this “the most middle class novel in Polish literature” (Grynberg, Prawda nieartystyczna, 107).

    Mina Tomkiewicz. 2009

  • Since the eight-year-old female Labrador-cross stumbled into Colleen Smith's yard in Prawda

    Winnipeg Sun 2010

  • Since the eight-year-old female Labrador-cross stumbled into Colleen Smith's yard in Prawda

    Winnipeg Sun 2010

  • Maxim Gorki even called to eradicate fascism by eradicating the homosexuals in the Prawda.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2008

  • \ "Prawda uderzyła Szczepana jak chamski dresiarz na przystanku\"

    Popular in the last 8 hours 2008

  • And you can see a bullet wound on one side of her jaw, "she said, adding Nina has" beaten all the odds "by surviving the grotesque injury and somehow turning up in Prawda, so far from its home.

    Winnipeg Sun 2010

  • And you can see a bullet wound on one side of her jaw, "she said, adding Nina has" beaten all the odds "by surviving the grotesque injury and somehow turning up in Prawda, so far from its home.

    Winnipeg Sun 2010


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