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  • Perhaps your Presidente is a bit confused on his priorities, no es verdad?

    Balkinization 2004

  • The movement's supreme leader, Abimael Guzman, known as "Presidente Gonzalo" to his fanatical followers, was caught in 1992, starting the group's rapid decline.

    Shining Path leader Artemio 'wounded during capture attempt' 2012

  • Perhaps your Presidente is a bit confused on his priorities, no es verdad?

    Balkinization 2004

  • In his absence, the Congress of Angostura decreed that he should use the official title Libertador before the word Presidente, and consider this title as his own on all occasions of his life.

    Simon Bolivar the Liberator Sherwell, Guillermo A 1921

  • They are celebrating with the legendary Dominican beer "Presidente".

    Clinton has double-digit lead in Puerto Rico 2008

  • Another gunboat was the "Presidente," which had figured in history, for it was nothing less than the yacht "Deerhound," on which the Confederate Admiral

    Santo Domingo A Country with a Future Otto Schoenrich

  • I learn, to my surprise, that he does not recognize the authority of the "Presidente" of the town of Oton, who was appointed before the surrender of General Del Gardo, and that therefore the very fine flag raising we had on the Fourth of July, 1900, is not considered legal.

    An Ohio Woman in the Philippines Giving personal experiences and descriptions including incidents of Honolulu, ports in Japan and China Emily Bronson Conger

  • At the top of one chart was the word "Presidente" (president); at the next level were the words "Senado" (Senate) and "Casa de R."

    Nuestra Voice 2009

  • "The Presidente is a beautiful, beautiful hotel, you know, right on the Z6calo, and I'd never really traveled before, so here was this wonderful exotic place, and my first day here my new breasts and butt were so sore it was hard to walk.

    Mother Of Storms Barnes, John, 1957- 1994

  • Let me bask in the glory of finally having a technologically savvy Presidente.

    Obama: I've never used Twitter 2009


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