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  • Especially remarkable is the Pointe de Beg an Fri, the fine and rugged rocks of Primel and of Plougasnou; whilst on the land the pointed roofs of many an old manor rise above the trees.

    The Argosy Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891 Various

  • With _Primel el Nola_ (1852) he included poems written under Italian influence, entitled _Les Ternaires_

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" Various

  • Then there is a Breton [17] poet whose name Robert and I have both of us been ungrateful enough to forget -- we have turned our brains over and over and can't find the name anyhow -- and who, indeed, deserves to be remembered, who writes some fresh and charmingly simple idyllic poems, one called, I think, 'Primel et Nola.'

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume II Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1833

  • Then there is a Breton [17] poet whose name Robert and I have both of us been ungrateful enough to forget ” we have turned our brains over and over and can't find the name anyhow ” and who, indeed, deserves to be remembered, who writes some fresh and charmingly simple idyllic poems, one called, I think, 'Primel et Nola.'

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Browning, Elizabeth B 1898


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